Become an Ocean Ambassador


It is a privilege to know the ocean. We know that unfortunately, it can be difficult or is not always possible for every person to have access to the ocean that wants to. Paskowitz Foundation’s Ocean Ambassadorship program works to give opportunities for more people to experience the ocean and learn about it who would not typically be able - for whatever reason that may be.

Our Ocean Ambassadorship program hosts various kinds of opportunities for you to have firsthand experiences with the ocean at no financial cost to you. We work with you to arrange the time, transportation and other logistics to ensure you can participate in a variety of events.

To become an Ocean Ambassador you will attend an event from each of the experience categories “Upstream, Coastline, Offshore, and Underwater.” Attending events in each of the four categories gives you experiences at each level of the ocean and creates an understanding of our relationship with the ocean and the ways in which we impact it and respect it.

  • Start at home, where your impact on the ocean begins first. Learn about how your daily life connects to the ocean through your local waterways, watersheds, rivers, streams, etc.

  • Explore the tide pools at low tide, clean up a beach or learn to surf. Feel the sand under your toes and watch the power of the ocean in the waves in front of you. Learn about tides, pollution and the tiny organisms that thrive in the shallow waters of the coast.

  • Spend a day on a jetski or boat learning about the ocean currents, food sources and marine life. You’ll have the opportunity to fish, snorkel or swim.

  • Dive deep into your ocean experiences! See what’s down below when you learn to dive and see marine life and reefs for yourself.